
As a training organization, we believe in the power of individuals to affect change and a focus on developing competencies, wherever it is required, to ensure that more effective species conservation plans are developed and implemented.

Upcoming Courses 

Facilitating Species Conservation Planning Workshops: Online Training Course


  • 30 September-22 November 2024 (closing date for applications is 9 September 2024)
  • 3 February-21 March 2025 (closing date for applications is 13 January 2025)

Registration fee: US$300

This is an introductory course to CPSG’s species conservation planning processes and tools. Our target audiences are government wildlife agency staff, IUCN SSC Specialist Group members, and other conservation professionals working in zoos, aquariums, universities or field programs, responsible for the development of species conservation plans. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: apply the CPSG Species Conservation Planning Principles and Steps to the design and facilitation of species conservation planning processes; demonstrate the role of the facilitator in consensus-based decision making; and select facilitation tools to help groups solve problems, make decisions, and develop plans. Click here to find out more about the course and how to apply to an upcoming session.

Facilitating Species Conservation Planning Workshops Training Informational Video


Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis: Online Training Course


  • 26 August-25 October 2024 (closing date for applications is 5 August 2024)

Registration fee: US$500

This is an introductory course to the IUCN Guidelines for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis (WDRA). This course is designed to equip participants with an understanding of how to put the guidelines into practice. Our target audiences are government wildlife agency staff, IUCN SSC Specialist Group members, and other conservation professionals and veterinarians working in zoos, aquariums, universities or field programs, responsible for planning for disease management at the interface between people, places and wildlife. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: recognize and justify situations where a WDRA process can contribute to a) wildlife conservation, b) domestic animal health care, and c) public health protection; explain how the principle of One Health and the science of epidemiology are applied to a WDRA; and design a workshop to effectively engage multiple stakeholders in completing a WDRA. Click here to find out more about the course and how to apply to an upcoming session.

Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis Training Informational Video


Ex Situ Conservation Assessment: Online Training Course

Dates: Self-paced (no closing date for applications)

Registration fee: US$300

CPSG is partnering with The Nature Conservancy to bring ex situ conservation assessment training to a global audience through a seven-module online course. An ex situ conservation assessment leads in situ and ex situ species experts through the five-step decision process of the IUCN SSC Guidelines on the Use of Ex Situ Management for Species Conservation to evaluate the conservation value and feasibility of various ex situ activities for a species. Incorporating pre-recorded lectures, readings, and case studies from conservation practitioners across the globe, course participants will learn the steps and techniques for assessing ex situ conservation options for their species. This process is applicable to all fauna, flora and funga taxa, and can be conducted as a single species or multi-species evaluation. This course will be of value to wildlife managers and researchers; government wildlife authorities; IUCN Specialist Groups; staff in zoos, aquariums, botanic gardens, and wildlife rescue centers; people working with biobanks; and anyone involved in planning for the conservation and management of wildlife. Our aim is to equip course participants with the knowledge and skills needed to undertake a collaborative, multi-stakeholder ex situ conservation assessment, either as a stand-alone exercise or as part of a broader, integrated conservation or collection planning process. This course promotes collaboration between the field and ex situ communities to support development of effective conservation strategies for all threatened species using the One Plan approach. Click here to find out more about the course and how to apply.

Ex Situ Conservation Assessment Training Informational Video